The importance of separating personal and business finances in your bookkeeping

As a business owner you hopefully understand the importance of proper financial management. However, one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is the separation of personal and business finances in bookkeeping. In this blog post, we will discuss why establishing financial boundaries and implementing effective bookkeeping strategies are essential for the success of your business, and what can happen if you include personal transactions in your business. 

The Importance of Financial Boundaries

Keeping personal and business finances separate is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps in accurately tracking the financial performance of your business. When personal and business finances are mixed, it becomes challenging to determine the true profitability of your business. This can lead to incorrect financial decisions based on bad financial data. 

Moreover, separating finances creates a clear distinction between personal and business assets and liabilities. This is crucial for tax purposes and can help in avoiding any legal issues in case of an audit. Additionally, it also makes it easier to monitor business expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs and increase profitability.

Effective Accounting Practices

To ensure proper separation of personal and business finances, it is essential to follow sound accounting practices. This includes maintaining separate bank accounts, credit cards, and financial records for personal and business transactions. This not only helps in keeping track of income and expenses, but it also simplifies the tax filing process and reduces the risk of errors. When it comes time to file your taxes, you’ll have less questions from your tax accountant, too. 

Avoiding Pitfalls in Bookkeeping

When personal and business finances are co-mingled, it can lead to several pitfalls that can be detrimental to your business. One common mistake is using personal funds for business expenses or vice versa. This can create confusion and make it difficult to track expenses accurately. It can also result in missed tax deductions or incorrect financial reporting.

In the case of using business funds for personal expenses, this has three effects to your business if the CRA deems any of these expenses ineligible: 

  1. You will be forced to take a dividend from your business for the ineligible expenses and be personally taxed for them 
  2. This will increase your profit (because expenses will be removed) and you will owe more corporate tax 
  3. You may receive penalties and interest on the amended corporate tax owing

Avoid these by either paying the business back for the funds spent on personal expenses, or simply, just don’t put personal expenses through your business. 

Another pitfall is not keeping detailed records of expenses and transactions. This can lead to difficulty in identifying which expenses are business-related, resulting in missed deductions and potential tax liabilities. This scenario can further result in the above three effects if the CRA deems the expenses ineligible. 


In conclusion, separating personal and business finances in your bookkeeping is crucial for the success of your business. By establishing financial boundaries and following sound accounting practices, you can accurately track your business's financial performance, minimize the risk of errors, and maximize profitability. Remember to keep detailed records and avoid co-mingling funds to ensure the financial health of your business.

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